Sunday, October 9, 2011

Flying with a Mission

AOPA Pilot Blog reported on the tragedy in South Carolina where 22 dogs had been shot by animal control officers.  Local animal rescuers were scared for the others still in animal control, but did not have the room in their homes to save more as they had reached their dog capacities.  Virgina, Florida, New Jersey, and Washington D.C. were willing to help.  But how do you move over 150 dogs to their new and desperately needed homes?  Pilots N Paws stepped up to the challenge.  The organization was able to get over 40 pilots to donate their planes and time to save these dogs.  If people need a reason to fly or even if they don't need one, I think the best way to gain hours is to help as many beings as possible, especially if they have 4 legs.

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